Die Suche ergab 10 Treffer

von berd
8. Nov 2014, 12:22
Forum: Fragen und Probleme zu den Plugins
Thema: Written Communication auto brief or invoice number
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 4523

Written Communication auto brief or invoice number

Hello, The Written Communication plugin has 2 default fields "Betreff" und "Beschreibung". Is it possible to add an extra field called "Rechnungsnummer" or "Briefnummer" which will generate an automatic incremental number? For example: 2014-001 then the next l...
von berd
7. Nov 2014, 21:09
Forum: Fragen und Probleme zu den Plugins
Thema: Written Communication auto SUM for invoice
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 4188

Written Communication auto SUM for invoice

Hello, This Written Communication is a very nice plugin, i am trying to make simpel invoices out of it instead of using the complex Mitgliedsbeitrag plugin. I have this almost running but there is one thing which is not working maybe is there someone who can help me for this very generic solution. M...
von berd
7. Nov 2014, 15:15
Forum: Fragen und Probleme zu den Plugins
Thema: written communications weiße Seite
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 8108

Re: written communications weiße Seite

I fixed it, it seems that some directories in the adm_themes folder needs to be set to 777
Now he downloads the file.
von berd
7. Nov 2014, 14:42
Forum: Fragen und Probleme zu den Plugins
Thema: written communications weiße Seite
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 8108

Re: written communications weiße Seite

Hi Thomas, Thanks for helping me out. I just installed a fresh new installation with only the written communications module just to be sure that every thing is clean, also i have set everything to German. I get the following error, also as you see the birthday error but i did not do anyhing with the...
von berd
7. Nov 2014, 09:19
Forum: Fragen und Probleme zu den Plugins
Thema: written communications weiße Seite
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 8108

Re: written communications weiße Seite

das ist das fehler code [Fri Nov 07 08:16:33 2014] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined index: /home/gijsbearsn/domains/gijsgroningen.nl/public_html/leden/adm_plugins/written_communications/languages in /home/gijsbearsn/domains/gijsgroningen.nl/public_html/leden/adm_program/system/cla...
von berd
6. Nov 2014, 19:44
Forum: Fragen und Probleme zu den Plugins
Thema: written communications weiße Seite
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 8108

written communications weiße Seite

Ich spreche kein Deutsch, so tun dies via Google Translate. (english is my language) wenn ich die Download-Schaltfläche Dokument erhalte ich eine weiße Seite (white blank page) und nichts wird passieren. Kann ich auch andere Felder aus der Datenbank zu nutzen? Beitrag für die Mannschaften (teams) be...
von berd
6. Nov 2014, 19:25
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: multiple select box and multiple dropdown select
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 5159

multiple select box and multiple dropdown select


Is it possible to make a multiple select box or a multiple dropdown?
For example: I have the following:


A user can have several roles, he can be Trainer and Coach.

von berd
6. Nov 2014, 19:14
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: Files per user
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 4883

Files per user

There is a download option, but is there also an otion where to add (upload) files to a user? For example user A has certificate or diploma added to his user profile instead of having them in a central download system.

von berd
6. Nov 2014, 19:10
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: Simple Invoice
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 7981

Re: Simple Invoice

Thanks Stefan,

I tried it and it is a very nice plugin, but i can not find out how to set your own specific fields filled from the database.

von berd
6. Nov 2014, 11:01
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: Simple Invoice
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 7981

Simple Invoice

Hello, Very great application, but one thing is missing in my opinion. Is it possible to have a simple .pdf invoice per user? I have tested the plugin but it is to complex because it is in German and it slows down the application, also for me it is to much, i just need a simple invoice per user base...