More granular permissions

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Beiträge: 10
Registriert: 10. Feb 2022, 21:47

More granular permissions

Beitrag von ciscovs1 »

Hi fellow admidios! Hope to tap your minds and suggestions on this one

I need to give some "super user / admins" rights to edit selected catagories/fields of a member profile only. As it is currently, anybody with "edit member profile" can change any field on the profile and add/delete members.
Is there any way to give a user or a group/role selected editing rights on certain profile catagories/fields only?

In a similar fashion, We have branches (Under groups and roles), where we would like to give defined "super user / admins" permissions to a specific branch & their members only.
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Registriert: 12. Nov 2005, 16:06

Re: More granular permissions

Beitrag von fasse »


unfortunally it's not possible to give more granular edit permissions to specific profile fields.

But to your second notice: Have you tried to work with leaders? If I unterstand you right, than a branch is a role in your system. Than you can add specific users as leaders to that role and within the role configuration you can give leaders more rights only for the users of that role.

Beiträge: 10
Registriert: 10. Feb 2022, 21:47

Re: More granular permissions

Beitrag von ciscovs1 »

Hi Fasse,

I added specific users as leaders to that role and within the role configuration gave leaders more rights only for the users of that role as you suggested. It made no difference as far as I could see.

Could you please test it on your side to see if the function is working?